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“Keap’s mission is to simplify growth for millions of small business”

Clate Mask, CEO of Keap (formerly Infusionsoft)

Prior to taking the hiatus, I used many systems for my agency. For my personal list and CRM, I used Infusionsoft. Ironically, as I was preparing to get back to doing all of the things I love, I got a call asking if I am going to partner day in New York City. Since I was ready to get out of the house and off of the couch, I said YES!

While at Partner Day, I was blown away. The team from Keap (formerly Infusionsoft) did demos of the new products that are easier for those business owners that are just getting started with automation. This was like music to my ears. Prior to this, I would recommend Constant Contact for these type of clients but knew it did not have the CRM capabilities. As a former controller, the CRM is a major part of getting growth quickly.

After that day, I reached out to start my Infusionsoft app again and inquired about becoming a partner. The community was amazing and I was ready. I signed up, took the certification within two days and was off and running ready to get back to life.

But this time was different. I feel so wonderfully supported.

I feel like I have my tribe. My tribe of real life business transformation heroes.

And then I saw this video. This video is so important to me.

In a world where most business consultants and coaches want to look like they’ve never had a problem or issue, Keap isn’t doing that. (BTW, only 24 percent of coaches and consultants make a sustainable living as a coach). Keap is telling real-life stories of business struggle and how to get beyond it.

Keap isn’t trying to present a perfect image. For instance, there is a running list of known issues of the system. The issues stay on the list until it is resolved. Full transparency.

In this video, the CEO Clate Mask talks about a day when his wife asked him to get a job.

Clate Mask, CEO of Keap (formerly Infusionsoft, shares his story

I love this video so much because most people hide this and therefore newbie business owners give up when this happens. When you know there is success on the other side of these hard conversations, it will help you remember to keep going.

While I wholeheartedly believe in universal principles (and master them), I don’t come from the school that everything happens in ease. When you’ve created your wall of contrast (spiritual word), the pain of it feels hard. But if you want to get past this contrast, you must KEEP GOING or it is certain to repeat.

I can tell you I help many clients get beyond the “you need to go get a job phase”. It may take a while, but it happens when they stick.

If you want to take a sneak peak of sales and marketing automation that will help you get passed that “you need to go get a job phase”, check out my behind the scenes of marketing automation

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Tina Brinkley Potts with her hair pulled back standing in park


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