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Social Media Likes And Engagement

Are you seeking likes and engagement as your primary intention for your social media? Are you sitting back biting your fingernails when you release a status update or other media, like video, in your social media? Does it make you feel like you are back in high school hoping to be part of the popular clique? Hoping you will get invited in? If so, you may want to re-think that strategy.

Recently, I’ve been approached by someone that has over 5 million views on Youtube. Let me point out she did not pay for one view, all of it is organic traffic. She is popular but now she wants to be paid. Often when I start working with personalities or celebrities, the same is true. They can’t equate revenue to their social media following. How do you make the switch? How do you have a social media following that you can equate to dollars in the bank?

Does engagement convert to buyers?

Just this morning while speaking with a client, she shared with me she doesn’t want to do her podcast. The two hours it takes out of her week is not giving her any money. Believe me, I talked her away from the ledge. After our conversation, she saw how many opportunities have come her way because of the podcast, how many lives she is impacting and how she can quantify that daily and why she can ask and get a higher price than most in her industry (she is in the top 10 of her industry). Why did she think it was a waste? For a couple of reasons: first, the numbers (engagement, listens and follows) have declined. Second, another coach told her it was a waste of time because it’s not making her money. Positioning is never a waste. Now popularity on the other hand…

Another client, has followed this path of seeking likes and engagement only to realize the “following” she has created on social media will never convert to buyers. Does this sound like you? If so, let’s change the intention of your social media so that you can attract clients, be able to equate revenue directly to your social media presence and stop trying to be the popular kid back in high school. One time in high school was enough.

First and foremost, start sharing yourself genuinely. Give up worrying whether or not the status will get a lot of likes or engagement. Concentrate on connecting to your audience, the one person that needs what you have, your solution to their problem. Let them feel you and feel like you are talking directly to them. Let your content you share on social media be a direct correlation to what someone would experience if they work with you. I must warn you, you may have a lot of statuses and content that won’t get one person to like it but that is ok. The trade off – your personal messages and inboxes will start to skyrocket. Your prospects will reach out to you.

If you are looking for strategies to feed the algorithms, post a picture of a baby, a video of a puppy or even a selfie but don’t water down your message just to get engagement. If you happen to be one of those influencers that are popular but not paid, let’s talk. With the 18 streams of revenue I am implementing for my clients, I am sure there is at least one that could work for you.

Tina Brinkley Potts

Tina Brinkley Potts is an award-winning metaphysician, best-selling author, business strategist and online marketing trainer with over 1 million video views and 10 million hits on her web properties. She trains and mentors consultants, coaches, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners in 70 countries worldwide. Tina is the #1 black woman in sales and marketing automation Tina’s trailblazing programs include done WITH you services that allow your superpowers and genius to stand front and center. Her programs help you implement 18 different income streams to your business, which have produced millions of dollars in revenue and sales. What she loves most is teaching her clients and students, how to manifest money, time and joy in their businesses and in their lives. Tina is a proud mother of 3 children and 6 grandchildren. A self proclaimed technology geek, she loves to travel, dance and hang out in nature.

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Tina Brinkley Potts with her hair pulled back standing in park


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