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How To Build A Twitter Client With Xcode

How to Build a Twitter Client With Xcode

There are a lot of great twitter clients out there. You could use Tweetbot if you are on a Mac (this twitter client rocks!) or the twitter clients that are on both Mac and PC like Tweetdeck or Janetter. But if you are a techie and you want to build your own twitter client, here is a summary of the steps. I did this video for ehow.



Hi, I’m Tina Brinkley Potts, and this is how to build a Twitter client with Xcode. I’m assuming you’re already a developer and this will give you the steps in order to build a Twitter client. So first on your iOS device, your Mac you want to have the Xcode app installed. Then you would add a new project. So I already have the Twitter test client installed. After you’ve created a new project then you fill out the blanks and you have to have your URL that you’re going to have it go to. The next step is to go to your storyboard and begin to fill in the details of the storyboard. After you have the storyboard done, then you want to go down to the frameworks. And in the frameworks you want to have incorporated the API for Twitter first and then come down and incorporate the iOS frameworks. Those are the basic steps to get a Twitter client, a basic Twitter client up and running. It could get more detailed from there but those are the basic steps to do it.

Tina Brinkley Potts

Tina Brinkley Potts is an award-winning metaphysician, best-selling author, business strategist and online marketing trainer with over 1 million video views and 10 million hits on her web properties. She trains and mentors consultants, coaches, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners in 70 countries worldwide. Tina is the #1 black woman in sales and marketing automation Tina’s trailblazing programs include done WITH you services that allow your superpowers and genius to stand front and center. Her programs help you implement 18 different income streams to your business, which have produced millions of dollars in revenue and sales. What she loves most is teaching her clients and students, how to manifest money, time and joy in their businesses and in their lives. Tina is a proud mother of 3 children and 6 grandchildren. A self proclaimed technology geek, she loves to travel, dance and hang out in nature.

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